
A journey with deceptions

The road to success 

everyone claims 

everyone cheers 

and so does everyone fantasise 


a young child 

looks up at the star

wishes to be a star 

a young student 

looks up at a scientist 

and wishes to reach the moon 

a young teenage looks up at high buildings 

and wishes to be an architect 



a young girl 

sees the plane in sky 

wishes to fly 

a young boy looks at the industry 

wishes to make money 

a young lad hears the speech 

wishes to be a leader next 



so we are told 

told about the road to success 

everyone tells us it’s hard 

you must work hard 

everyone tells us to read 

without worrying about bread 

everyone tells us to be focused

rather distracted 



they say there is a win 

on the mountain next 

All trials are just a moment of time 

you shall soon chime 





success isn’t easy 

the road is tough 

it’s lonely 

it takes up your rest 

sooner you realise your walking alone 

rather too much alone 

no one knows for how long 



the journey is boring 

while you are snoring 

the journey is tiring 

even though you are trying 

maybe success can take away all your pains 


but till zenith is reached 

the reality is

journey isn’t poetic 

it’s not mesmerising 


at moment of distress 

close your eyes 

whisper slowly to your mind 

you move towards success

so is your zenith moving towards you 

it’s a journey 

a journey of challenging yourself 

write a poetry or two 

sing a song when down 

cause your not a clown 


a joker can fake a smile 

but the question is how long can it keep while 

smile when you wish 

Be sad when you wish 

the journey is yours 

sing a song and make the goals yours 



keep moving 

keep raging 

keep hustling 

to the tunes of trials 

Dance to the journey of success 

it’s okay to take a rest….