Accidental Poet

The Right Word


I search my heart

For words that take hold

That hit the mark

Words that reach your soul


Far too long

I refused to see

The better side of you

Maybe the same for you of me


And now I regret

We couldn’t see eye to eye

Why the avoidance

So hard to try


I needed you

And you needed me

To find a common ground

For father and son to be


Guess it matters not now

Now that all is said and done

But it does matter to me

I should’ve been a better son


And “sorry” seems so pale

Doesn’t feel quite enough

If I spill all my heart out

Dig down to my deepest stuff


To apologize for my youth

My disrespect I didn’t see

To see another side of you

For a different me to be


I wish I could change our past

As I’m sure you’d agree

We’d have been much closer

As a father and son should be


It’s not always easy to express

But rest assured

Love between us

Is the right word


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021