
Undone: The Love Process

I’m not sure I want to write this

I am not like the rest

Fine with never-ending sadness

In fact, I look forward to the days ahead


I search for you in all my dreams

I know you are there

With my eyes you see my stare

I’m looking out at the world with braveness and I am aware

Of my own dumb eyes

Numbed to dull


My love is here

Attracted to nowhere

Dark will be my life

Sad will be my walk

Alone will be my pain

You will ride the day

In the night I stay

Proud to stay and

Feel this way

Never to have felt another

Never to have another

I wanted no other

The lateness sealed in

I still look out and live

all these days left

100 years, or perhaps less

To search out for you with my dark and brown dead eyes