

The rays of sunlight peeking in the room
Failed to vanish her gloom.
She wanted to yell
That she craved to escape this cell.

The once carefree soul
Was now just an inmate.
Being controlled was now her role,
And that she just couldn’t get it straight.

Why must she endure this hell,
Was what she asked as well.
The inability to breathe,
Made her seethe.

The growing suffocation
Provoked the urge of liberation.
The ring she once yearned for
Now made her insides roar.

Their marriage which was once the source of exhilaration,
At the moment, is the cause of her frustration.
She wanted some help,
But couldn’t do anything but yelp.

The day will come when she would be free,
When she could finally flee,
Away from this place so grim,
And especially from him.