

To those of us that struggle with addiction,

It\'s a choice you could say, a self-infliction.


You\'re a slave to the poison and you\'re not even aware,

A heavy cross for one to bear.


All the wheeling and dealing you can muster,

your wife a T-weaker you can\'t trust her.


Shady characters with a song and dance,

getting ahead in this game a slim chance.


Every night you hope there is a tomorrow,

another day filled with deceit and sorrow.


Everyone is a liar, a thief and cheaters,

Junkies, pill poppers, coke heads and T-weakers.


A mirage of people come and they go,

tomorrow someone here will be jane doe.


The same thing day in and day out,

sometimes there is enough and others you go without.


Addiction is with you everywhere you go,

It out smarted you, you have no control.


Addiction comes in all shapes and size,

hand in hand with Denial, deceit and lies.


You can never really be at ease,

My name is Addiction and I\'m your disease.