
Do I See.....

\"Do I see them as ones that are worthy?

Do I see them, do I care?

Do I see right past them?

Do I see them open and bare?

Will I see their desperation?

Can I see them for there is no light?

Will I see then when their hope has faded?

Will I look for them in the night?

Are we not to care?

To forsake...then to seek...

Who are weak...

That openly cry tears that never dry...

As we hurry by...

Immersed in our ignorance as a shield...

Lost to the ability to discern what is real...

Letting the darkness win...

Consuming the trace of goodness of what has been...

To thrive is not a lie...

To ignore, to walk by...

Cannot redeem our lives...

For all of what we are, is to be...

The body of thee...

Not for now, but for eternity...

Will I see now what I have hidden from willingly?

It is time to turn away from my selfishness...

To serve, to love, for I am blessed...

In my shame, I witness what I have missed...

To love, then love again...

Crushes the indifference caused by the selfish sin...

Of a life that takes and never gives...

Yet redeemed once again...I see now and will forever know...

The power of releasing myself and letting go...

Will I see them now? Only God knows.