Cali Kittana

Middle of June

It was always the middle of June
When I thought you\'d finally say it
That you wanted me, you love me
But yet it never seemed to happen

It was always the middle of June
Right near the end of school years
We were caught cuddling in the auditorium
I wanted more than to share some warmth

It was always the middle of June
When I saw you walking down the street
The way we were both so shy
How I wished you said more to me

It was always the middle of June
When people would ask if we\'re dating
I wonder why you didn\'t answer for us
I wished you would\'ve said yes

It was always the middle of June
When I would get my doubts about us
And how you might have felt about me
Did you feel the same way?

It was always the middle of June
When my mind would start to wander
When the dreams would be raging
I\'m sorry every poem is about you

It was always the middle of June
Where I would question my relationship
When I would think about you
Did you ever think about me, too?

It was always the middle of June
That last time I saw you in person
You seemed so shocked to see me
Yet we both seemed so at peace

It was always the middle of June
When I stopped feeling like myself
After what he had done to me
You seemed to notice it, too

It was always the middle of June
Our senior year was the hardest
Knowing I\'d rarely see you
I love our graduation photo

It was always the middle of June
The start of summer is so odd
Without you by my side
Do you feel the same?

It was always the middle of June
I remember all those movies
The school forced us to watch
We\'d always stay close to stay warm

It was always the middle of June
Yet here I am in cold December
This many years after graduation
Still looking at pictures and wondering

It was always the middle of June
When I\'d feel the most vulnerable
I never knew whether or not to confess
Are you reading these poems?

It was always the middle of June
With the flowers at full bloom
And the weather almost perfect
We could\'ve been perfect, too

It was always the middle of June
I\'m trying my best not to think of you
I should know we drifted apart
Yet why can\'t I stop this?

It was always the middle of June
Do you think of me still
Do you dream about me the same way
Will I ever get an answer to these questions