


    A warning to you dancing

with the Lady in White,

   Her medicine stuns you,

leave you HIGH as a kite.


    You think back and

wonder how it got here,

   There are gaps and things

are fuzzy nothing is clear


    A fucking gorilla,

lives on your back,

   His only purpose

is to get a fat sack.


    The things you will do

and the things you say,

   Gorilla will

get his way.


    How do you kill the beast?

the beast, is you?

   You allowed him in

gave yourself up to.


    IT takes a life time for

you to see what\'s real,

   The death of you,

your Achille\'s heel.


    Even knowing you are

still willing to play,

   If you\'re lucky you

get to live another day.


     Another day is just a

day you have to hustle,

   Sometimes it’s the brain

other times it\'s all muscle.


    It brings temporary pleasure

but at what cost,

   Among the living are the dead

in the land of the lost.


    It is powerful overwhelms,

you and me,

   Bounded by chains

you cannot break-free.


    The lies, dirty deeds

and all the shady tricks,

   Chasing the bag

for your next fix.


    I once had hope and

dreams to pursue,

   Getting High is all

you want to do.


   The only thing in

life I regret,

    Is the day

The Lady in White and I met…….?

      TURBO   OCT. 2021