Accidental Poet

With Endless Respect


Many times, I wondered

How I’d feel

After you’re gone

Of my thoughts you’d steal


Trying to understand

The man you were

And the man you wished of me

I could not always concur


My life was mine to live

To follow my own road

My mistakes I’ll duly own

All that’s written in my life’s code


What’s best for me

Was always your only choice

I know you couldn’t hear

My own inner voice


And yet, I thank you

For all that you were

For being my father

And building my character


The work ethic

You instilled in me

To find my own inner voice

Respect and live honestly


I ‘ll look to the skies

With endless respect

For when I look in the mirror

I know it’s you I’ll reflect


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021