Vamsi Sudha

What is NEW YEAR ????

What is New Year???


A New Year, A New Date?

A New Morning or a New Wait!!

New year is a repeat of Days

Pronounced well in several Ways...


A New year is amending on our Past Actions

Planning further on our future Ambitions

With Lots of new Hopes and Opportunities

A Year to relive in a better way, with New Possibilities.


New year brings lots of room to Manoeuvre

To approach life, with an entirely new Exposure

Bring in a bit more kindness and a bit more giving

As we alone can whittle Life, in its Roving!!


Let’s make this new year a Milestone,

With an augmented approach towards Life

So Dear All, Lets Usher for this New Year

May this be a year, a success in every Sphere.!!!

Happy New Year 2022