


Ray Finch

JANUARY, and the year starts anew

With lots of new thoughts and things to do

FEBRUARY, and now the cold winds blow

Bringing with them the rain and the snow

MARCH, and the skies start to clear

Easters nearly upon us yes its nearly here

APRIL, oh what a month so hot and humid, that sounds so cool

What you believe me, you April fool

MAY, now starting to flower and the Queens do their dance

So don’t look back at winter not even a glance

JUNE, already, has come way to soon

With lots of clear skies, to view the sun and the moon

JULY, now halfway through the year

Brings lots of smiling faces and plenty of cheer

AUGUST, is a must for travel and vacations

So no more at home or staycations

SEPTEMBER, now time to look back and ponder

Come on cheer up and don’t be so sombre

OCTOBER, a month that’s gloomy and dull

Never mind, will soon be Christmas with crackers to pull

NOVEMBER, the rockets and fires light the sky

Lots of treacle toffee, parking and apple pie

DECEMBER, the year now almost over, so with a glass and a cheer

A toast to those, we love, cherish, and hold so dear