
Flight of the Raven

I could only afford a passing glance

  to the raven as it glided,

absorbed in it’s own world in the sky,

but the image remains, 

branded on my soul.

Oh to be that bird of prey

and soar high above the earth, 

away from knowing, caring -

seeking but food to be satisfied. 

What guides this enigma on wings?

It is far beyond the likes of me, 

trapped on the ground,

prey to hopes and dreams 

scattered on the wind

just out of reach.

The raven in all it’s glory

can never be content;  

and when it flies away never to return, who will miss it?

Looking up, I see the heavens, 

silent, calm, serene (peaceful).

Oh! To be that raven,

to look at the world we are left with

with eyes that will not cry.