kitty the naughty poet

Stuck in unwanted overthinking

Have you ever felt yourself slipping from reality

your mind in a state of perpetual darkness,

immersed beneath a sea of words

refusing to part your lips

unable to express, well... anything...


I\'ve got this darkness eating me alive

every thought over analysed...

all actions rehearsed in the mind

completely alone, yet well and truly surrounded

overthinking... over-killing myself...


Separated from reality by walls of our creation

constructed in long-forgotten phrases

remaining unspoken by our tight lips

leading pain down the path of internal agony,

without the ability to control our emotions…


Stuck, hiding from my demons

attempting to get up outa my feelings

hard to love when all you\'ve known is heartache

possessed by my own personal devil,

starving me of everything.


creativity skulks behind a wall

confidence is being flayed alive

no-one tries to save the angel from its confines

I run from shame, from embarrassment,

don\'t ask me how I deal...


truth is, I don\'t... nothing works

drugs, alcohol... it\'s all the same

I\'ll never get closure

the devil whispers I\'m never enough

he\'s been saying it so long I\'m inclined to believe him….