
Motivation, what it is to sleepy eyes?

The scary  Mondays take a toll

the weary eyes take a stroll

Wonder what will next bring at all


to the uncaring souls 

running with bowls 

to make money 

to have honey 

keep running 

where is motivation at all?



to those moments of listlessness 

to those seconds of restlessness 

to those running breathlessness 

wishing to find light in heaviness 


keep searching 

hands keep reaching 

reaching to catch the fallen heavens 

where does motivation resides 


catching up some instant feeds 

watching a few reels 

looks like buffet made green 

or Tesla went flying high heel 

Where does motivation inhabits ?


in those motivation talks 

or in those success books

in those morning sessions 

or those climbing high in succession 

wonder which house motivation lives across ?




deep within 

catching the trains of life 

fighting every moment for a wanderlust beside

amidst the hard work penning about 

suddenly the sleepy eyes realise 

no thoughts on scroll

no books at all


motivation is nothing but a deadline 

deadline is the motivation in mind 

Guiding the inner light 

racing the inner self inside