𝐌 en were her obsession
𝐄 very wink was a pleasure
𝐑 eeling them in like a
𝐌 ighty fisherman with bait
𝐀 stounding was her voice
𝐈 ncredible was her beauty
𝐃 eadly was her lure
𝐌 ighty Sailors fell prey
𝐄 ach time she sang
𝐑 eaching out with dulce tones the
𝐌 ermaid was the bait
𝐀 nd out jumped a shark
𝐈 nto the mighy air
𝐃 evouring the Sailor
𝐌 aybe that was her destiny
𝐄 ach Sailor broke her heart
𝐑 ealizing she had been cursed
𝐌 aybe if she had human legs
𝐀 t least she could\'ve been loved
𝐈 nstead she was the bait for the
𝐃 eadly Demon Shark
𝐌 ermaids have a heart
𝐄 ach one is unique
𝐑 omance lives in their soul
𝐌 aybe if they weren\'t cursed
𝐀 nd they had human legs
𝐈 ncredible love they would feel
𝐃 esired instead of feared