
wake up call

First it was Nisarga

And now Tauktae

That howling and fierce

Our frailty did pierce


Trees fell down

The winds battered our home

Confined to the rooms

Nowhere could we roam


Roofs flew off

Walls flew down

In devastation of the land

Tauktae took the crown


On the one hand, Covid

And the other, Nature’s rage

Kept us all tethered

Our homes became a cage


If man cuts the trees

And destroys the whole land

It is just retribution

That nature will take a hand.


We fill our seas with rubbish

Our lands are now steel jungles

Man is oh so puny

But gigantic are his bungles


The air we breathe is heavy

With fumes from all our cars

The earth is now spoilt

Our sight is now on Mars


Sustainability is dying

The earth is now just crying

No lesson have we learnt

Though more than fingers burnt


This is a wake-up call

Let us notice, then act

To save our Mother Earth

Let’s quickly make a pact


Man was once so wise

But greed became a vice

Let us united stand

To rejuvenate our land


Lockdown has chained us all

But let our minds be free

To defeat the dreaded Covid

Let us all agree


Let us lend a hand

Yes, let us do our duty

Let us now strive

To restore nature’s beauty