
Don’t Stop Living

Don’t Stop Living


I have a terminal disease

And every day it reminds me more

It attacks from my neck to my knees

Oh yeah to my feet that hit the floor


And yet what is worse is in my head

For it does a nifty work there too

There is no place that it doesn’t tread

Wreaking its convoluted snafu


It is more common than Covid will ever be

And much more fatal to both you and me

And our mind tries to tell us it isn’t true

We live in defiance by the things we do


But what can we do with this our plight

What kind of mandates should we require

What kind of passion can aid in the fight

And fuel the hope of our soul’s desire


As long as we don’t make it too tough

The answer is simply plain to see

Just tell this disease we’ve had enough

We won’t stop living, because of A G E