
We Barter for Time (An Urgent Rap)

We barter for time,

to prolong our sublime,

we’ve all got our epic journey mountains to climb,

but suits say “stay in line”

but we’re covered in slime,

as we’re juggling the meanings of what is right or crime,

coz’ we ain’t got the dime,

so, we cannot dine,

but those stable Eton messes decline to read the sign,

that we take a life,

either by gun or knife,

as we run like headless chickens, prolonging the strife,

it’s a grand design,

to choose who lives or dies,

made by clumsy talking monkeys who reach for the sky,

so, let those bombs fly,

let the world and us fry,

a war by religious zealots, and heads of state that deny,

the experts they tie,

a knot in healthcare, why?

all we want; is to take our meds, to carry on with our lives,

so, please listen guys,

we cannot disguise,

we have a mortal constitution, thus enough with the lies,

so, can we barter for time,

to make a better rhyme,

and make it actually possible to be proud of mankind!