Tune: Breslau
(\'Take up thy cross, the Saviour said\')
Hosea 5 v.14 and 6 v.1-3 {Old Testament Minor Prophet}
The LORD says, I will return, go
To my place, till my people know
And realise of their offence
Against me, and turn to me thence
In their affliction they will seek
My face, come to me humble, meek
Shall seek me early, say, Come, let
Us return to Him, there time yet
For He has torn and He will heal
His mercies shall be to us still
He has stricken us, he will bind
Us up, restoring we shall find
After two days he will revive
Us, we shall once again survive
In third day He will us up raise
We shall live in His sight, Him praise
Then we shall know, if we pursue
Him, follow on, and prosper too
His going forth is as the morn
After each night sure comes the dawn
And He shall come to us as rain
Falls on the earth, waters again
Seasons of rain latter, former
Shall be still, as in days past were