
Dark Side


They just cause problems and troubles to you,

But what exactly they do,

Neither has a clue.

You as one person have to carry it around,


This pain and pressure making your soul wound.

You feel like no one cares,

Like as if you are nowhere.


You feel like screaming and like crying,

And inside,

You see yourself dying!


But not a single soul will know,

Cause you won\'t show,

What inside you still will grow.

Hoping it will get better soon,

You walk like this until every noon,

With a mask of an optimistic raccoon.


Fooling your loved ones and every one around.

Even yourself,

The one that was meant to be found.

Do not talk.

Do not speak. 

Just laugh and smile,

And leave worries behind you a long mile.


Your mouth is closed and you can\'t open,

Even to the ones that are hoping.

You can\'t do anything.

You see it dying.

Until your sweet soul starts crying.

So leave it and talk!

You\'re not alone!

And the demons will soon leave your home!