
From Light to Dark, Then Back Again


If you like some twinkles, like the moth you may burn,

in a light that lustres, because you want to learn,

from that guiding beacon, that flashes at you,

all alluring, but maybe; it has something blue,

it could bear some horrifying ill will,

such as eating at your identity, it’s evil meal,

replacing your views, with the mob mentality,

so, that you and your new friends can cause a fatality.


I know, it looks beautiful, so many colours,

but, why should you be like all the others,

thus, ignore that light, that could be the lie,

the reason, that tomorrow you die,

so why not look, to the other side,

it will be your deed alone, so be full of pride,

as in darkness, things are bluntly honest,

for it has for you, no single promise,

it is just there, ready for you to stroll,

there will be no guidance, you are in control,

as in the dark, you can make your own way,

to create your version of a brighter day,

though go easy, you do not want to turn into god,

for in your mind, that will make you feel odd,

your reflection; will be foreign, so full of hate,

making you think, should I have opened this gate?


So, consider this a test; of cerebral strength,

the result, the measure; of your true length,

but then perhaps, that shine; makes its return,

a warm welcome back, for you to discern,

of what is good, what is bad, for your existence,

but whatever you do, continue with persistence.