
Do You Know...?

Do you know how it feel\'s standing so still...?

Do you know how it feel\'s when you cant hear a thing...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to constantly scream so loud but no ones listening...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to be left outside on your own all alone...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to see everything, But no one see\'s nothing but badness... 

No one cares that there\'s sadness because to them it\'s all just madness...

Do you know how it feel\'s to know your the blunt of the joke...?

Do you know how it feel\'s when people do nothing but poke, poke & poke...?

Do you know how it feel\'s instead of truth there\'s nothing but lies...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to smile & smiling feel\'s like sin...

Just a second of happiness never to begin...?

Do you know how it feels to be constantly judged within...?

Do you know how it feel\'s never to be loved...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to wish that god above would just do the decent thing & take back what he put breath in...?

Do you know how it feels to never be trusted or to trust...?

All the goodness turning to rust...

Do you know how it feel\'s when everywhere keeps moving but your standing deadly still...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to continuously walk up a steep hill...?

Do you know how it feel\'s always being so ill...?

Do you know how it feels to be hated... bullied... & mocked...?

Do you know how it feels when you constantly get blocked & knocked...?

Do you know how it feels to only have yourself to blame...?

Do you know how it feel\'s when there\'s no one else to help you carry a burden...

Do you know how it feels when your un-hearden...

Do you know how it feels to want sunshine instead of rain...?

Do you know how it feel\'s when going insane...?

Do you know how it feels never to be or feel ok... 

Always rejected, never to be accepted for what & who you are...?

Do you know how it feels to always foot the bill...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to wish, & wish the same wish, you wished would please come true...

Do you know how it feels to sink so low with no hand ever reaching down to you...?

Do you know how its feels to keep falling, & no one can hear you calling...?

Do you know how sadness really feels...?

Do you know how it feel\'s to have everything taken against your will...?

Do you know how much it hurts watching, seeing everything...

But standing somewhere, nowhere deadly still...?