Poetic Dan

A door never open but lifes worth holding

I\'m sure I\'ve never spoken of this but a few weeks a go there was a rhyme to fit!

It\'s gone with the wind now but I\'d like to still have a go of it, so if you bear with me I\'ll flow what I know....

I never saw it as a disorder, more this is just how I am but food was always at the bottom of my plan.

At some point in my younger days I tried to bulk up but sadly it just toned and becomes disheartening to think of.

Days can pass with only a few snacks to hold it of, my stomach can feel like it\'s folded in on its self and can barely stand up.

With each breath a noise goes off as if a dragon is waiting and had quite enough, to soothe the annoyance water is a must, also about the only thing that doesn\'t make you want to throw up

Over time I have tried different meal plans and even gluten free, that couldn\'t of been more awful!! but not as much as the belly of the beast that never wants to sleep.

The biggest lesson came when nurturing little feet, to see how mood can be such a powerful, if not the biggest thing to tame any soul to eat.

Obviously this is only a fraction of a battle that goes on every day, the motivation to open this door is because I now know many others that have their own cage.

May we dive down deep to solve this mystery, to feed us what we need not just what we must, as life should always be worth hold on.

Although we are unique the struggle is not and I\'m grateful to everyone that never gives up, to those that did I\'ll not keep this door shut.

I\'m sorry it took this long to start to open up or maybe I just wrote that to myself, either way our mental health is as precious as us.