A Boy With Roses

Unholy Sanctuary

You were never supposed to be you. You were never entirely real, just a made up concept burning through time. You grew into this monster, this soul you swear it\'s real love. You say it\'s common practice: feeling like a fraud, wanting to wake up and to be someone else maybe, to live a different life. Many people are multiple people. I am many. But it hurts the most when that suffocating jealousy creeps in, and you\'re feeling like you\'re not good enough, like you\'ll never be good enough. You shoot through worlds like you\'re a meteorite, heading straight for that eclipse. The rain pours down. This is a figment you created from the trauma just to cope; you\'re a horse that needs water. I see you. Hopeless star. I hear the sweet flowing whisper of music, locked in the mind\'s taboo. I seen my eyes in the mirror and jumped. This endless, bewildering forest of love haunts me, deep in my innermost silence.