
Chaotic Serenity

Shadows breaking over a dew-shrouded forest, 

as light slowly overcomes the darkness therein-

musty air lingers to blanket the deep, dark secrets within.

Somewhere within the mysterious depths a lone wolf howls, 

a reminder of the desolation that encompasses,

stifling the golden rays that threaten exposure of beauty.

Deep within the heart of the swampland, somewhere in the murky, pitch-black undergrowth a single sparrow cries, struggling to be heard over mighty winds- a seemingly pointless task, yet the bird ceases not its plaintive, yet somehow uplifting melody.

All is calm. Gale winds wither to gentle sigh, evidenced by a slight rustling of leaves. In the distance, dawn seeps through the outer edges of the dense growth, never to penetrate leafy armour of forest’s inner roof- save for the few chinks where sunlight dares reach down and caress ancient soil.

The Hunter, King of it’s self-proclaimed jungle portrays the essence of the surrounding habitat. Quietly stalking intended victim- ambush, pounce, and hunger is sated. All (for the moment) serene again- a place of deadly calm…   a sprinkle of rain lightly sifting to the ground;

unseen outside this sheltered domicile a raging storm takes it’s toll, while inside this pseudo-world, the stressful peace of ignorance turns Hunter into Prey.