Kurt Philip Behm

Out Of The Void

That pit in my soul…

a space left unfilled

The harder I struggle,

the deeper it drills


Its emptiness constant,

dominion unsure

A puppet on tethers,

with vacuum secured


One choice left unspoken,

whose die never cast

To reach through the darkness,

the blindness unmasked


A backfill is starting,

my cavern relines

The light has reentered

—new future defined


(The New Room: January, 2022)




Darkness Through The Glass


Is there something unwanted

or even decried

that lives in the bottom

of all you’ve despised

to weep when you’re happy

the prefect of tears

confusing the moment

defying the years

its magic conscripting

new days into night

 trapping what’s in you

embracing the fright

one saving question

 the clock striking twelve

destiny tolling

—your answer indwells  


(Dreamsleep: January, 2022)