A song stuck in mind
the grey cells singing it’s own lullaby
never knew the match was so addicted
years of working hard
where shall it end
initially the mind fixated at goal
not looking beyond
but only set at its goal
to reach there, the heart greatest desire
yet there came a time
we fall back in life
the first failure came as heartbreak again
recounting those memories brought tear inside
yet the soul shoved the dirt
tried hard to resist
And to rise again
gone was a year of fallen apart
it was time to face the storm
came back a new leap
with strong courage it leapt again
longer was the jump
yet larger was the ditch to cross above
to heart’s dismay
Life was too short
to save again
The fall came back
maybe the spring was far off
the poetry started again
the rhyming of words
the cheers of lines
the abstract versions inside
then again came the chance
the soul focused on goal
with all might
stuffed air inside
Ran with all might
it did reach the finish line
but alas it wasn’t about reaching
it was about reaching the first
so again a disappointment shed over
who knows what will happen next
self criticism and sadness grip inside
yet the soul
a total stubborn soul
shoved off the dirt
wiped the tears
bandaged the wounds
carefully analysed
back to travel
leap or crawl
never to stop
until reaching the goal
praises or critics hardly matters
destined to where it should be
all maybe same
what was different this time
maybe the persistence
maybe the journey became warmer than desire to reach the goal
not always the end matters
the means matter too
the process turned sweeter
may or may not be goal soon
leave it aside
loving the process of knowing the one inside