Steel of old Valyria

Fuel and Perseverance

         \" the scorpions stinger evolves to 

         become more toxic, the mice evolve

         in order to cope with the toxins.         

         Therefore, the grasshopper mice     

         have sensory neurons that have 

         evolved which reject the toxins and

         prevent pain signals.\"

                        Rowe and Rowe,

            \"Predatory grasshopper mice\", 2015


You undoubtedly should never play chess,

And the science is not for you after all.

Never under the Sun you are able to do Maths,

Since your brain is depressingly small.


On a road you are just a disaster,

And your life, by the will of the Lord,

Never makes to a real blockbuster.

So - you better obey, smile and serve.


They advise to just chop off your hair,

So that you stay at home making dough. 

You might be better off getting pregnant

Instead of your meaningless job.


Aw, you dare to raise voice in protest,

Break the chain of dismissal and pain?

They\'d say that some rods put you in place

And the lesson will not be in vain.


Do not grieve - simply nod, brightly smiling,

Listening to that poison of words.

That\'s just fuel - so oily and shining,

Filling up empty gas tank of yours.


No forgiveness to those who betrayed you.

May your engines sing in the sky. 

Pain will pass to the light to be staying.

Perseverance will always fly.