
One Day Our Hearts Will Mend

One Day Our Hearts Will Mend


The old man walked along the water’s edge, the sandy mush squeezing between his toes.

Leaving a set of tracks as he walked the beach, he thought about how fast the time goes.

“Over time I’ve lost a step or two and life’s just not the same without you,” he thought too.

As he looked out on the ocean brine he couldn’t help but remember those eyes so blue.

She loved walking this beach together strolling hand in hand at the waters shifting line.

The same way she grabbed his hand that final time and with a gentle squeeze said, you’ll be fine.

That was ten long years ago and he walks this stretch of beach with her each and every day.

Even if only in memory he walks with her close by his side, and tells her everything he has to say.

Seagulls gawk as he heads back to the old place as if saying, “Hello”, to some old friend.

He nods towards them in affectionate response and says, “one day our hearts will  mend.”