Chris Duffy

Black Dog.

When the black dog comes to call.
There is no invitation.
Your back is pushed against the wall
A sombre situation

When the stygian tyke draws near.
He assumes total control.
melancholia, sadness.suffering
Body, mind and soul.

In your deepest slumber.
In the darkest night.
You begin to feel his hot breath.
Then you feel his bite,

You ‘re ravaged by ferocity.
Culled by his attack
When the black dog bites.
You’re never going back.

The pills will pull you under.
The pills will make you choke.
The black dog roars like thunder.
Grabs you by the throat.

Hoping to be rescued.
Never to be found.
Drowning in confusion.
Ravaged by the hound.

The hope of your deliverance.
Vanished out of sight.
You try to keep your distance.
From the black dog\'s bite.

You try to keep the wounds clean
Try to make them heal.
The devil sends his black dog.
Your mind and soul to steal.

Lots of wasted lives
Stroon along the path
Cerberus the blood imbibes
In the aftermath
Summon all your strength my friend.
To chase the wretch away.
Purgatory will never end.
If the black dog comes to stay.