Pacifique Niyitanga


Remember when I was crying;
I laid on my back and said: \"why?\"
You were there but you did nothing, 
Nothing just to bring back hope.

My heart was like a pipe that leaks,
Blood and love flowed like a river. 
You were there but you did nothing;
Nothing to stop it, dear Plumber. 

Earth was against me, bleeding me,
Filling my brain with great pain while—
You watched and kept on counting;
Counting your woeful days and nights.

Enemies stabbed me in the heart, 
Misfortunes brought me to my knees.
You were smiling with your folks;
Celebrating my downs and losses.

This is the end, your end not mine.
You did your best to put me down,
Tried to bury me alive and do weddings,
But every little prayer I made was worthy. 

Nice people came in your presence,
Opportunities and chances were there too,
But the problem was... you took them back all.
One by one, I found myself alone in silence.

There was plenty of money and happiness,
Love and wealth, but all I chose was sadness.
You blinded my eyes with your darkness:
So I could not see or choose anything right.

Sometimes, I\'d try to open my mouth,
Dance and party with the people, 
But last night I did it all, I lost my pride,
I will never miss or think of you, bad buddy.

My hair is turning grey, losing my strength,
Earning shame, angst and regrets at all.
But now you are leaving and you will—
never come back in my life, my dear cruel year.