

I think I\'m obsessed with you

I know you feel my eyes burning through you

Because I might hate you 

But I love her too

So everything she desires 

I crave to understand too

I have this spiteful love 

Because you remind me of him

The way he talked the way he knew how to win

I think I know what you’re capable of

The way you to make her want to scream 

The scars you leave they will never be done

Because I still think of him when I look at you

The fat ass cocky smile, the drugs, the lies

See I know it all but do you see me too

I want you to respect me 

If you do does that mean he thinks of me

I know you wouldn’t get this since you don’t love her at all 

How could you be so idiotic as not to fall

For a woman who truly has it all

The personality, the jokes, the looks, feel like you dropped the ball

But she will come around every time you call

She knows it, she hates it, and I felt that same way

But at least you get to fucking scream her name

It\'s not the fact she gets with you

Its that when she falls asleep in my bed I know she dreams of you

The poetry she writes bitch it\'s all about you 

While you fuck other bitches and she gets to be used

Her heart gets to decay while I’m there at the end of the day 

But I couldn’t ever hate you because you’re where he stays

The demon in my head that never goes away

It\'s the blackout window I see

I see out but none of you can see me

I read the name of the highway again

Go mad for a moment then start to play pretend 

Wonder if in April he’ll wonder what I’m doing in his head

Would he be proud of this bitch, I wonder what he’s heard

The way I observe your every little step waiting for her to get hurt

Confidence and coke its the duo of kings

The ones who ruin lives so girls get on their knees and sing

I can’t hate you for the hustle but I can hate you for one thing

The way I have to be there when your done and have to do nothing 

Pick up the pieces of the heart you went and undone

Applying the gorilla glue every time she needs it to have fun

She still cries in my bed so I guess you’ve won

Not only you but him too

The treacherous pain that I go through 

Having to be obsessed with all of you 

He’d love to laugh at the fact I’ve never left this obsessive haze 

This intimacy when she is next to me rips me to shreds 

Every book I know tells me I should be in her head

I know I am but nothing more than a friend 

Such a close, loving, passionate best friend 

She thinks I\'m beautiful, I\'m intelligent, my vocabulary blows her away 

But from here on out she’ll never look at me that way 

You so fucking smugly took it away 

I\'m obsessed with you since he gave me the same pain 

I want to love her the way that you won’t

Take her to any place she wants to explore

Show her that a love like that is one she can keep

You got in the way now her heads berried deep 

In the sand, the same sand that\'s on the beach when I\'m holding her hand 

The way she kissed me before she met you you’d never even understand 

Being so infatuated with a woman you can’t even stand 

Love with women goes just so deep 

I know all of her secrets what makes her fall asleep 

Every time I touch her each is tender and sweet 

Until I look her in her eyes and my tongue would get so deep 

When I used to kiss her thighs, oh the ecstasy because it was her with me

Before my hand ever grabbed her neck, I knew how to stop the way her lungs breathe

Even then I felt disgusting when I look at her that way

Because her head is so much more than giving you brain

It\'s filled with beauty but still full of pain

The day we met I knew we were through 

She’s just like me and he\'s just like you  

Such a loser yet here I am just watching you

In that split second

I became obsessed with you too