Buzz Bray

Colored Lights

Colored lights glance from the ice cubes.

I swirl my ice,

Hoping the whiskey won’t burn so much if it’s cold.

I feel.  So

My bare soul retreats into the glass.

My stomach reminds me

My soul won’t be the only thing hurting in the morning.


The businessman next to me

Loosens his tie

And his tongue,

Rants about how his marriage was ruined

By gays, women’s rights and liberals.

(What happened to the good old days?)

In the background,

Johnny Mathis sings,

And smoke gets in my eyes.


The lady two seats down

Has a run in her stocking

And in her smile.

She recounts her abandonment

And can’t stop cursing his ass,

Or wishing he’d come back.

Now Johnny’s singing “Chances Are”

I sense I am wearing a silly grin.

I feel less…it’s working.


The barkeep starts to pour another round.

How ‘bout you pal?

Oh shit yes.  Keep ‘er goin’.

Johnny sings Misty

And I feel helpless as a kitten up a tree.


I notice my shoelace has come untied

Just like my soul.

Only a few of us hardcore late-niters are left.

Barkeep calls the last round.

He turns off the music

Just as Johnny sings:

“But in the hush of night

Comes that certain smile

To haunt your heart again…..”

And I wonder:

How many broken people

                                                         I am among.