Job Welime

I want,,,

Dear love,
I want to make you mine,
I want to wake to your face like dawn,
I want to bask in the rays of your smile like sunshine,
I want to take you for honeymoon in the sky,
I want to ask the moon to sing you a lullaby,
I want you with smiles but I also don\'t mind if you blush,
I want our actions to utter the eloquence of romance in the sweetest aroma,
I want my heart to be your studio,always playing the rhythm of your name,
I want to write our own tales of romance,
I want to make everything epic,if it gets perfect we can wrap the moments with a photograph,,,
Sometimes I also want God,to turn you back into one of my ribs maybe that way,you won\'t have to spend any second away from me,
I want your belly to have someone who is a cocktail of your smile and my poetry,
I want you to be my musician,
I want to be your favorite song,
Dear love I want you,,,