kitty the naughty poet

Written Sin not tragedy

No need to play who framed Roger rabbit

a fan of Tim Burton got their hands on us

and in true fashion killed the rabbit, dead...

how I miss his rampant ways, shaking his tail

now I hold it in my hands instead

who knows what the writer will have me do next...

Changing me up to look like Sally

her from \'Nightmare before Christmas\'

my arm could fall off at any moment

but, I don\'t take it as a threat
I\'m kinda liking the way I look
scars are really gorgeous, don\'t you think?
As I told you once before,
the writer of this tale is not Tim Burton
just a fan, that thinks every holiday
should be a new Halloween...
you will read all about this idea
if you move on to the next poem.
But here is a warning to you, the reader
if you decide to go on to the next
expect a lot of sin and sex
and I hope you have a deviant soul
to appreciate this tale of provocative sin
this is not a tale of tragic sorrow...
Part two coming soon...
 ©Katie the naughty poet