Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla



When I was a school boy,

My parents used to tell me

I should not mingle with girls.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with boys only.

When I was a school girl,

My parents used to tell me

I should not mingle with boys.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with girls only.

When I was attending school,

My teachers used to tell me

I should not mingle with girls.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with boys only.

When I was attending school,

My teachers used to tell me

I should not mingle with boys.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with girls only.

When I was attending a temple

My preacher used to tell me

I should not mingle with girls.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with boys only.

When I was attending a temple

My preacher used to tell me

I should not mingle with boys.

\"OK,\" I said.

My company is always with girls only.

When I reach the age of 13,

My parents are looking for a partner of the opposite gender to marry me.

I asked them, \"Why opposite sex now?\"

They say this is natural.

I told them you taught me this is unnatural.

They told me that you couldn\'t mix with people of the same gender any longer.

I told them you taught me.

My teacher taught me

Our preacher taught me to socialize with people of the same sex

How can you teach me to mingle with the opposite sex now When I developed my feelings towards my same-sex friend?

We attended school together.

We played together.

We learnt together.

We shared together.

We walked together.

We ate together.

We sat together.

We hugged together.

We laughed together.

We kissed together.

Felt together

Loved together

Merged into one

We grew together.

We did everything together.

But how do you separate our souls now?

Separating bodies

Separating feelings

Separating attachments

Separating our soul and mind

Dividing our dreams

How now?

\"It is true that girls love girls and boys love boys.\"

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)

Author of \"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\"


Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M5B7XVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dalit%2FUntouchable+Anthology&qid=1638451224&sr=8-1)

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M785T3S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=An+intelectual+history+of+anti-caste+philosophers+in+indien%3A+A+study+on+Babasaheb+Dr.B.R.Ambedkar&qid=1638746824&sr=8-1)

Blog: DALIT ACADEMIC MAFIA (https://dalitacademicmafia.blogspot.com), 

Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side 

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

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YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship/Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla