
What Love Looks Like

What Love Looks Like


You walk into a crowded room our eyes meet and everything feels alright.

We climb into our bed and snuggle in close and I sleep safer, sounder, at night.

These are but a few descriptions in case you wondered, What does love look like?


You grab my hand and give it a squeeze and quietly whisper, I love you

Or take my face in your hands and say with authority, My love we will get through.

It’s not perfection or even problem free, but this is what love looks like too.


You see me at my best and worst and still somehow you choose to stay with me.

We fight and argue, laugh and love, but

At end of day this is where we want to be.

And even though it’s not always pretty, this is really what love looks like, you see.


Committed in the day in and day out and knowing that no world is right without you

We understand that in this partnership called Love, we are a team of two.

We are better together than we are apart that’s what love looks like, when true.