Osei Zion


I\'d seen

I\'d seen the heads under the 

Fulani straw hat

I\'d seen

I\'d seen them wander

through the pathless path

The cold-dry winds blow them

There follow through soiled clothes 

Strong harmattan holds the plough 

Crops fold their arms

Rocks sound while breaking 

Ka-ka-ka like \'Asante Firikyiwa\'

Little water in the dark pot

Cooks stones and corm

Cape three points plants lose turgidity 

In the \'Land nearest nowhere\' 

British 1875 lighthouse blinks 

There 0 latitude,  0 longitude and 0 altitude 

Recommended \'A gingle from Ghana\'s famine of 77\'

To be sang in the whole country again 

The starved had nothing, except 

Gari, two coconuts and two heptagon pesewa

In the \'Ghana Must Go\'

Ants got nothing 

From Ante\'s kitchen 

To enjoy in their home

The windows of heaven were opened 


manna fell from brothers 


sister in America 

What the heptagon pesewa could not afford 

In the 983rd year of the 2nd millennium