
The 707

The 707


Our breath was condensating in the air

As we carried her bags that cold night

But her excitement caused her not to care

She was spreading her wings for flight


We heard the engine chug a while

And then finally heard the whistle blow

As we neared the station I saw her smile

And could see her thoughts begin to slow


Daddy, she said with a quivering lip

You’ll always be the first man I loved

Then she put one hand on her sassy hip

And wiped my tear with the one that was gloved


I hugged her real tight and whispered in her ear

And you’ll always be my little girl, Boo Boo

Then it was her turn to shed a tear

No matter where you go, I will always love you


With that the conductor raised his voice

“All Aboard”, he shouted with great zeal

And now the culmination of our choice

Was starting to suddenly get real, real


She smiled at me and then turned to go

I watched her as she boarded the 707

She waved as the train started off slow

Then she rode that train straight to Heaven


The train derailed about mile three sixty nine

And not a soul on board survived that night

But sometimes I hear her say, “Daddy I’m fine”

And for a brief moment she appears in my sight


It’s okay daddy, she says with a smile

You still got a lot of living left to do

But you’ll be with me sometime after while

Until that day, remember, I still love you


Then she turns just like she did that night

And I wave at her as she walks away

Good night Boo Boo, hope you sleep tight

I’m waiting and longing for that sweet day