
Flowers are flowers, to grow and bloom

Vast fields 

with daffodils singing 

flying petals in air 

Filling the sight 



a paradise 

to eyes 

full of blooming roses 

in all its hues 

pink, red, orange, white, yellow 

defining the measure of bonds 



a garden 

full of tulips 

talking to bees who hover by 

closed and opened elegantly 

standing tall and strong as the bees hover by 



a pond 

serene and calm 

out blooms a beautiful queen 

with petals blooming layer by layer 

pink with dew glistening 

a lotus with green pillows around 



a backyard 

full of blushing poppies 

smiling facing you 

telling gossips the aunties were talking 



a sideline

a branch of bougainvillea

pink and white 

talking about the growing young lady 

whom they saw since childhood 

keep staring the lanes 



a street 

filled with fallen petals 

brushing the lanes 

clicking the pictures are lovers on street 

the shade of pink fascinating to eyes 

the cherry blossoms mixing and blowing with winds 



a canopy 

trees swindling by 

elegantly a branch sticks by 

on its a creeper 

drapes the green 

on this beauty 

a beautiful orchid fills the scene 

captivating the birds and the bees 


what other flowers bloomed 

who knows 

who cared 

Maybe they plucked 

maybe they praised 

to those beauties 

who bloomed and withered as their duties 

an applaud 

a praise 

they kept pleasing eyes of aesthetics 

and passing the heirlooms as they grow by