
Healthcare Heroes

Suited in green and blue

Armed with steths and IV packs;

With masks strapped on, personnel on call

A battalion rushes to prep its stores.


A flurry of activity takes place

Soldiers marching and signals coming

With minds in focus and targets positioned

The commander assigns his delegation


The usual casualty arrives in fib

A, B, C - the drill begins

Just like clockwork, all hands on deck

The daily struggle getting one life back


With stealth they put their camo on

Awaiting any ambush strikes

Despite mine traps set and smokescreen

Neither prepped them for COVID-19


Alpha came and Beta went

It seemed they would survive this wave

But delta arrived and chaos ensued

Bodies piled up, survivors a few


Alive but scarred - a common remark

They shared their stories and battle signs

Filled with exhaustion they carried on

Ready to fight with Omicron