Dr. Bhratri Bhushan

Her abhorred shears

Gazing eerily into a void
Realising how your beauty ensnarled,
My ardour stood on its last leg
Not for the pain but a pervading numbness.

A listless humming ensued
Couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
A love congealed strumming our
Song of life from a lightyear away.

Subtly changing shades from
Light orange to black and glum
The sacred garments of the night
Were impressed upon me.

Heart’s hopes strewed in the abyss of fate
Not in the stars but your tresses my Atropos.
In your dotage you too shall descend into
This cup of poisonous nectar and I shall
Be a memoir, sodden, moist for ages
Still wondering, for how short it lasted.