Anna Colette

A Complicated Thing Called Love

Simply put,

Love is a complicated thing 

It takes years, maybe even lifetimes to figure out what it truly is 

Most of us figure out what it\'s not before we even have a clue as to what it is.

Following along on that former note, 

It\'s not secretive or controlling 

It\'s not full of lies and manipulation 

It\'s definitely not lust, not him caring only about your body

It\'s not tears streaking down your pillow from endless fights practically every day. 

And for the latter option, 

It\'s more than knowing how your bodies move together

It\'s taking things at each others pace 

It\'s being patient and waiting till they\'re ready to take another step 

It\'s staying with them through thick and thin. 

People like to tell us lots of advice about love

And the most common one, 

Is that you\'ll know when to say you love each other 

But how does one know if he loves you? 

Is it the way he texts, 

The way he stands close while being careful not to invade,

How he\'s patient and waits for you to make the first move, 

Or the way he looks at you like no one ever has before? 

Is there even a way to know? 

The best option seems to be waiting; 

Until you trust them,

Until you\'re sure it\'s the right moment, 

Until it seems they must already know, because haven\'t you made it quite obvious already? 

And you hope that they truly do love you... 

Another common thing people like to say, 

\"It\'ll be worth it in the end\"

It gets very annoying when that becomes a favorite line that some tell you 

But I guess they\'re right.

Because after years of waiting for the \"end\", 

If they\'re still by your side, waiting 

Then they must be the one. 

And eventually, 

We\'ll all find our one 

It\'s just a matter of figuring out this complicated thing we call love.