
Anonymous Scribbles (5)

the sky has remained the same

          since the time I first looked at it ─ long long ago

sprinkled with the stars ─ the viewers of life

down on earth the tired roads are busy

          getting drenched in untimely rain

as they have been doing since I put my little steps on them

          for the first time ─ long long ago

time has changed its position though

the world still lives in the same manner

          as it has been living since I understood it

          for the first time ─ long long ago

the same age old tragedy being enacted everywhere

          every breath so rusted

all are defeats

either straight sets or in disguise

          since I first started playing

          for the first time ─ long long ago

but still life marched on

with the same decaying determination of survival

only the deads rejoice

          the living archives of the melodrama of living life