
The Many Faces I See

Scurrying the airport or waiting at the TSA line

            here then are faces,

Faces of impatience, restlessness, hurried, worried, tired,

The mundane dreamy face, the always unwelcome choleric

            irate face,

The face of the bug-eyed, the grand faces of

            devoted ministers and teachers passionate and wise,

The faces of doctors and nurses, concerned at what they see,

            The sympathetic & caring faces of medical professionals,

The unsavory ghetto hoodlum face,

The magnanimous humble face of a beautiful soul, smiling,

            The cheeky detestable jeering face,

The innocent faces of children…the worn-out face of

            the mother of unruly children,

The face of stolid silence, the face of the saintly, holy, and virtuous,

The face of a dreamer, the face anchored in faith,

The face flushed with embarrassment … a depleted face,

Aimlessly, to and fro, like the wind, not knowing where it comes from

            nor where it goes.

Scurrying the airport to board the ceaseless airplane

            here then are all the faces,

I see them coming and worry not and receive them all.

Do you suppose I could be dreadfully sorry to be here

Waiting for them? No!

I receive all these faces with a smile on my face.