
Nations Named

Tune and Hymn: \'All for Jesus\'

Acts 15 v. 13-18


At Jerusalem a meeting

To consider of this  thing

Gentiles saved as well as the Jews?

Can it be so ,this good news?


James the leader said, You people

Hearken unto me, e\'en all

For you have heard Perter saying

How God did the Gentiles bring


How He did bring them salvation

He does visit each nation

And does make Gentiles His people

They do join with the Jews all


For with this the prophets agree

Amos* did say of old, see

That the Lord will return, and will

Build again His dwelling still


It be David\'s** tabernacle

it is crumbled, it did fall

But the Lord will rebuild ruins

To set it up He begins


That the rest of mankind might seek

After the Lord, strong or weak

And all the Gentiles who called are

Who may come from near or far


They who are called by the Lord\'s name

For His glory, for His fame

The Lord who does all these things, He

God, knows all eternally


* Old Testament prophet.

** Old Testament King.