Eff Lynch B

What ails you child?

I ask softly, not wishing to startle the frail little girl.

My dear, you are but a shell!

What’s happening?

Come on, please take my hand.

That’s it. We can go slowly,

One foot at a time,

let’s dance together.

But, she can’t.

Her pillows cling to month old tears,

every inch of skin is bound tightly to bedsheets that haven’t been spun round in daisies for a while.

Instead, she opens up her duvet and invites me in to join

She says her dancing days are done

So let’s just lie here for a minute or more

But I know there’s a song

I don’t  remember the bass line

And I can’t hold a tune to save my life

But when I find it

and I know I will.

She will dance once more