
Driver Error

When driving on the motorway 
As we often do
And the cars overtaking
Have a hint of blue
As an incident ahead
Leaves you in a que.

Apparently, the driver at fault
Was in the wrong lane
This often happens 
Time and again
And the trouble is
It causes so much pain

As the driver behind
Doesn\'t know what to do
Overtake on the left
Or the right to pass you
Why can\'t we drive sensibly
Reducing accidents to few?

Don\'t drive in lane four
Ignoring those behind
Pull into lane three
And don\'t be unkind
As many other drivers
Really will mind

Don\'t drive in lane three
When there\'s a gap in lane two
As you will upset a driver
Who\'ll want to undertake you
So don\'t think too long
You know its the right thing to do

Don\'t drive in lane two
When the inside lane is clear
Keep your eyes on the road
And please be sincere
Or when your turning left
It could be severe

So, please follow the code 
And stick to the left
To keep traffic flowing
Don\'t leave someone bereft

By Poetron