Charles Edward York




You wash away from my soul

The ashes of a burned fire

Your rain showers

Formed inside melodies

And harmonies from fantastic,

Far away enchanting worlds

Erases the diurnal dirt

Of mundane routines,

Major disasters,

Mini tragedies

And pitiful trails of

So many invisible tears.


From what sensuous magic

Do you conjure up and inspire

These delectable songs

Wind and spirit

Rhythmic palpitations

Adding vivacity

Inside my lackluster heart?

You with your orchestra

Your voice of soothing

Yet mesmerizing vibrato

I am frozen in time

Your enthusiastic

Audience of one!


How your incomparable aria

Saturates my senses

In an array of music

So rare in sound

So common in relation

I find a new country

In your fascinating world

Your atmosphere

Lifts my tired gravity

So much so

My lips are set free

An urge to sing praises

Bedazzling my eyes and ears

By your breathtaking beauty!


Copyright © 2021 Charles Edward York

No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*