Tune: St Fulbert
(\'Ye choirs of new Jerusalem\')
Matthew 16 v. 18-20
Jesus did say, You are Peter
A Stone, there no demur*
And upon this rock I shall build
My church, fruit shall it yield
And the gates of hell, they shall not
Prevail, no victory lot
And I will give to you the keys
Of heaven\'s kingdom these
And whatsoever you shall bind
On earth, realm of mankind
It shall be too in heaven bound
So thus it shall be found
And whatsoever you shall loose
It true, it not obtuse**
The same shall being heaven loosed
So thus these works produced
Then charged He His disciples wise
Not yet evangelise
Not tell He was Jesus the Christ
Until right time sufficed
* Demur = objection, hesitation
** Obtuse - annoying insensitive or slow to understand